The Front Window to your brand

I’ve discussed before about why you need branding photos and how to stand out. But what do you do with them once we’ve created them? WHAT DO BRANDING PHOTOS ACTUALLY DO? Well, they sell without selling. It starts the conversation. Like a front window of a store, it draws customers to you. Posting your branding photos on social media is a key way to increase your reach and customer base.

When you get comments on those posts and you respond, this increases your visibility on their feeds. Those pesky algorithms love when you respond and reward you with more visibility!

If you get clients or customers to message you, EVEN BETTER! Anything from any of the pages you are linked to will now pop in their feed for the next few weeks. The more they engage, the longer you stay on their feed. Even if they are commenting on personal pages, your box pages and public group posts will appear–without boosting. without ads. 

Also people respond more when you post photos of you. Because really no matter what business you're in, your clients and customers buy you–they like to see YOU and will engage any time you post a photo of yourself. I’ve noticed this personally. I share images of myself and those are often my best performing posts.

One caveat though, sure any photo of yourself is better than none, but when you get photos of you where you're looking amazing, confident, on brand, ALL.THE.THINGS., you look good, you feel good, and post those? Your engagement SKYROCKETS. All those comments saying how good you look? Engage back and all of your marketing offers, etc will pop up in their feeds. 

This also starts discussions and creates warm leads–organically. You don't have to beat your head off the wall trying to engage potential customers through Pulitzer Prize winning FB captions or Silicone valley level algorithm comprehension (you're never going to get it, once you do then it's already changed) all you have to do is show up and look confident! That’s what branding photos do.They make you make more connections, more sales, more money, with wayyyy less marketing effort. And you'll look awesome too and have fun doing it. 


What’s Inspiring Me Right Now


Session Feature: Tomma