Amanda Blazer, 45

What are you most excited for right now?

I had my first daughter while I was a senior in high school, second daughter by 20 then at 27 had my son. Married my high school sweetheart. We had to grow up quick with having children so young. Lots of people said we wouldn't make it... but here we are all these years later stronger than before. The baby of the family is graduating this year and now I feel it is time for my husband and I to live for us.

If you could give one piece of advice to your 20 year old self what would it be?

At the age of 20 I had 2 small daughters already; I would tell myself that times will be tough and challenging but also rewarding raising them and watching them grown into successful women.  As adults now they are not only my daughters but also my best friends.

What is your favorite inspiring quote or words?

Nothing else will ever make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired as motherhood. -Elia Parson

Why do you want to participate in the project?

As a mother of 3 beautiful children, age 27,25 and 18. I was a young mother raising them with my highschool sweetheart /husband and lived my younger years always putting them first. As they are all adults now I am wanting to do something for myself. 

Are you a woman over the age of 40?

Are you interested in being a part of this amazing, empowering project? Get the full details and sign up here


The Tarot Series: Strength


Ruthie Sheets, 42