The Tarot Series: Strength

The Tarot Series Featuring: Robin Fowler

My strengths are greater than my weaknesses


Gentle self corrections; don't beat yourself up; you’re stronger than you think; a reminder to unconditionally love yourself especially our wild, our shadow selves; strength comes from loving the whole; when you tame the lion with love, its power becomes yours and you are stronger. You cannot keep your power bottles up, it will drive you crazy. The passion is energy; trust that you have the capacity to control it. One part of you is vital energy, one part of you is strength, be kind to both parts and the power of both parts is yours. We have been taught to reign in wild energy but it needs love, the wild energy will serve you if you trust it. there's no reason for us to be afraid of any part of ourselves. Love and trust yourself. How can you show compassion and love to the part of you that's been caged? Guide your passions and have no fear; master your fear


What true strength really is; feeling tested or overwhelmed, a feeling like you can’t do it; however the upright qualities are still within you.. Remember other times in your life when you have overcome challenges that you thought you couldn’t do; don’t forget the strength you earned in the past. What it means to be gentle and loving with ourselves, especially the pasts we find scary. Every part of us wants to be loved and understood; let it run free so you can build a relationship with it; trust and honor it; figure out where you are stuck, where can you better trust your own flow?


Amanda Blazer, 45